Our Print Production Dashboard Monitor Application is designed to efficiently and effectively control an organization’s incoming and outgoing data on a large screen in the Print Production area.
Collecting shop floor data is one thing – making it useful is another. There is clearly value to having historical data, but having it presented in a meaningful format as the activities are happening greatly increases the value of any machine data collection system.
Print Production Dashboard Monitor is equipped with dashboards to provide feedback in real time.
Print Production Dashboard is a software solution with a strong focus on production monitoring and optimization. The application works well standalone in all different printing areas (Departments and Cost Centers). Visually, manufacturing data becomes accessible to more people.
Print Production Dashboard is also a top-of-the-line shop floor component that smoothly integrates into EFI Pace Print MIS solution.
Monitor, Analyze and Visualize with Print Production Dashboard to get the full picture of how effectively you’re printing or finishing production is running – and a solid foundation for improvements. This enables faster decisions, along with the ability to accelerate respective workflows. This leads to faster, improved understanding and communication of information.
Check the pulse of your print production in real time. Choose your Priority Cost Centers to monitor. Our solution can be fully configured to meet your business and production requirements.
The Structure and the available Monitoring Dashboard views:
Available Employees Dashboard

Available Employees dashboard displays total number of Employees, grouped by EFI Pace Department. The data is based on logged in and signed Employees in EFI Pace Data Collection module.

Employees not logged in to the Job / Task Dashboard

List of available Employees Dashboard displays the (Name and Surname, Employees Department) that are not currently working on any of the available scheduled Jobs or Tasks in EFI Pace MIS.

Late Job list Dashboard

This Dashboard displays the list of late Jobs based on Job’s Promise Date and Time.

Cost Center Dashboard – Single Cost Center Dashboard

This dashboard displays Cost Center, Cost Center description, current Data Collection transaction (Job No., Customer, Job description, Scheduled hours, Job quantity, Employee Name and Surname and the Job task transaction Start time).

Today Jobs – Total number of Jobs scheduled for the Cost Center. Hours – Total number of scheduled hours for the Cost Center. Late Tasks – Total number of the late tasks for the Cost Center.

Total Hours – Total number of scheduled hours for displayed Cost Centers. Total Jobs – Total number of scheduled Jobs for displayed the Cost Centers.

Printing Press

Multiple Cost Center Dashboard

This dashboard displays a group of Cost Centers (Cost Center description, current Data Collection transaction – Job No., Customer, Job description, Scheduled hours, Job quantity, Employee Name and Surname and the Job Task transaction Start time).

Today Jobs – Total number of Jobs scheduled for the Cost Center. Hours – Total number of scheduled hours for the Cost Center. Late Tasks – Total number of the late tasks for the Cost Center.

Total Hours – Total number of scheduled hours for displayed Cost Centers. Total Jobs – Total number of scheduled Jobs for displayed the Cost Centers.

Printing Department
Bindery / Finishing Department Cost Centers

Task Schedule Dashboard

This dashboard displays unfinished Job tasks grouped by scheduled Job and in order defined in the Job Production Plan.